CDA Validator

This validator is not intended for use with PHI/PII. Only use this validator with test/sample data that contains no PHI/PII.

Upload the XML or zip file you wish to validate (Note: The size of the uploaded zip file must be less than 5Mb):

Select your desired validation path:

Base Standard Only

Base Standard Plus Templated Validation

Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) (HL7 Balloted IGs)

Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) Long Term Care (LTC) (HL7 Balloted IGs)

Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA)

Podiatry Registry (MedXpress)

Consolidated CDA (C-CDA) (HL7 Balloted IGs)

HL7 DRAFT Implementation Guides

IHE Profiles

National Health Care Surveys

Demonstration and Pilot Projects